Kasa Muktha Bellandur
A citizen initiative that has collated best practices including 2bin1bag method of segregation and inspired people everywhere to be the change. Also, has singlehandedly managed to convert more than 10,000 households in Bellandur (Ward 150) to 100% segregation in the year 2014-2015.
HSR Citizen Forum
A citizen initiative that has propagated 2bin1bag methodology in layouts, schools, restaurants, apartments etc. Working closely with BBMP, they have ensured regular pick up of segregated waste from individuals homes in a segregated manner in HSR Layout.
HSR Citizen Forum
We Care for Malleswaram
The first group who came up with the idea of a bag for collecting dry waste, way back in 2008. They have actively been propagating segregation at source and composting through social media and community events. They are an inspiration to many.
Last but not the least...

Solid Waste Management Round Table
A citizen group working with all of the above, that has been driving segregation at source and moving the municipality from disposal to management of waste, since 2009. They are the force behind the change in many waste management policies in Bengaluru.